Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog Assignment #12

Assignment 12: Today I am go to tell you about a woman named Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette was born in November 2, 1755 in Vienna, Austria she was the most younest and beautiful daughter of Francis Stephen the frist and Maria Theresa her parents. When she was little girl she believing that her destiny was to be a the Qeen of France after she got married so got married to the prince of France in 1770 and four years later she was known as Marie Antoinette Queen of France. Her destiny came true just liked she dreamed of. That was her childhood now let me you about her will she was the queen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Warm Up: What (5) questions would you like to ask God?:

  1. Will I get in to a wounderful college?
  2. Will I see you in heaven?
  3. Will I get a good job?
  4. Will I be a great person?
  5. Will I make the world a better place?
Ts Ophelia Cause Floding on Dominica
What : There is new tropcil storm named Ophelia
Where:The storn is in Atlantic Ocean by the island of Dominica
Who:1600 people were flooded.
When:The storm came Wednesday night.
Why: This is hurrican season.
How:The winds were moving over 60 mph and it is moving north. 

Fox News: Space Radiation Expected to Rise for Airline Passengersand Astronauts

Espn News:
Who:Red Sox, Rays drama to the very end
red sox and the rays had end of season games to try get a playoff spot
 What: Both teams are trying to earn a wild card spot for the america league they both under dogs
When: Both of the teams played on tuesday night.  The mejor league baseball playoff are later these year.
Where:The games where played in Baltimore and Tampa Bay.
Why:The games were exciting because of the great plays by players that were not expected to make big plays.
How:The Baltimore Rays had a triple play.  The web site says the triple play will be one of the most famous in baseball history.  The Red Sox had a three run homer.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Warm Up: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it: If had a million dollars I would do five thing with it. Frist I would put some in my college far money some I will have some money when I go to college. Second I would give some to my family. Third  I would buy twenty super fast cars. Next I buy some new cloths for when I get older. If I have any money left I wil give it to my Lord and savery Jesus. That is what I would do if I had a million dollars.

1.World Religions: Noah is the person I choosed for my World Religions person. Noah was the one who built the ark in the bible times. The reason why he built the ark was because Jesus was going to flood the earth. So Jesus told him to take two of each animal and some people and get in the ark. Noah did every thing God told him to do. That why I choosed Noah as my World Religion person.

2. Science and Mathematics: Robots is the science and mathematics thing I choose. As you knew robots are machines that are cotrolled by computer so you can make them do things that you want it to do. About most of the robots are not built from humanliked they were built from a robottic arm. The word robot comes from the Czech word robota. Now you know all about robots.

  3.  Animals and Plants: The cobra is the thing I choose for my animal and plant. Cobras are the the third longest snake it is over six feet and two meters long. The cobra lives in three places and they are Africa,Southern Asia, and in the East Indies. The cobra is now as the hooded snake. Now you know about the cobra.
 4. History and Government: Civil rights is the thing I choose for my History and Government. Before black people became friends with the white people black people had to do because of white people. There was one black woman named Rosa Parks who got arrested for refusing to sit in the back of a bus. So as you can see white people were not fair to the black people for eighteen years. So now you know why I had choose civil rights for my history and government.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog #9 - World Book Online Interesting Articles

  1.  Sports and Hobbies: Skateboarding is when people whichride on a skateboard and do cool tricks. Skateboarding has been around up in the 1930's in California.  Skatebroading is popularin all around worldwide.  There are contest on downhill ramps to see what kind of triks you  can do. That is skateboarding  for my sports and hobbies.

2. People: Michael Jackson (1958-2009) he was loved by all he was singer,dancer,and a
songwritter.  He made his frist Thriller in 1982 he's second one beat it  in 1980. He got him some help from his brothers.  He and he's brothers were called the Jackson 5.

3. Places:  Big Ben is the world's Largest  clock.  It was built in the 1858. It is over 316  feet (96 meters) tall. You can see it in the United Kingdom in England. That is my place. 

4.Arts: My  Arts is Dance. Dancing is when one or to people move to the beat of music. There are so mean types of dances like  Ballet performers,  Balinese mask-dancing, Flamenco dancing,  traditional dancing, and so much more. Dancing is one of the greatest arts of all time. You should try dancing you would like it.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Warm Up: If you could write a feature story about a place, where would you write about & why- If I could write a feature story about a place and where I write about I would write about New York City..

Feature Story:  New York City is one of the most famous cities in the United States.  The Wikipedia website says that almost 47 million people went to New York City in 2007. 

The city is called the Big Apple.  According to Barry Popik, who did research, New York City had a lot of race courses.  The prize you won was called a apple.  If you won a big prize, it was a big apple.  There were lots of races to win prizes around New York City.

New York is a big city. A lot of people live and work there.  New York City is the third largest city in the United States with over 18 million people. People from all over the world live in New York City.

There are lots of things to do in New York City. They have baseball, shopping, museums, theater, and the Statue of Liberty.  The Statue of  Libery is in New York City. The Statue of Liberty is found Liberty Island.  It was built in October 28, 1886. The statue was a gift to the United States from the people of France. It is a symbol of freedom and democracy. 

Other important sites in New York City are the buildings one of  them is Empire State Building one of the tallest building in the world. It is 1,245 feet tall. The Grand Central Terminal is one the world's largest stane stracks in the worlded.


Warm Up: What did you write your feature story about? I wro

Friday, September 9, 2011


Warm up: Tell me about your family- Let my tell you about my family theres Me, Mom, Dad, Cameron and Cade my two little brothers, my step-sister, my step-mom, I have twentyseven uncles and twentyseven aunts and twentyseven cousins. Theres my grandenmother and my grandenfarther. As you can see I a very Huge family, those are some of them I do now I don't now every body in my family, but I will now soonner or later. Know you now about my family.