Friday, September 23, 2011


Warm Up: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it: If had a million dollars I would do five thing with it. Frist I would put some in my college far money some I will have some money when I go to college. Second I would give some to my family. Third  I would buy twenty super fast cars. Next I buy some new cloths for when I get older. If I have any money left I wil give it to my Lord and savery Jesus. That is what I would do if I had a million dollars.

1.World Religions: Noah is the person I choosed for my World Religions person. Noah was the one who built the ark in the bible times. The reason why he built the ark was because Jesus was going to flood the earth. So Jesus told him to take two of each animal and some people and get in the ark. Noah did every thing God told him to do. That why I choosed Noah as my World Religion person.

2. Science and Mathematics: Robots is the science and mathematics thing I choose. As you knew robots are machines that are cotrolled by computer so you can make them do things that you want it to do. About most of the robots are not built from humanliked they were built from a robottic arm. The word robot comes from the Czech word robota. Now you know all about robots.

  3.  Animals and Plants: The cobra is the thing I choose for my animal and plant. Cobras are the the third longest snake it is over six feet and two meters long. The cobra lives in three places and they are Africa,Southern Asia, and in the East Indies. The cobra is now as the hooded snake. Now you know about the cobra.
 4. History and Government: Civil rights is the thing I choose for my History and Government. Before black people became friends with the white people black people had to do because of white people. There was one black woman named Rosa Parks who got arrested for refusing to sit in the back of a bus. So as you can see white people were not fair to the black people for eighteen years. So now you know why I had choose civil rights for my history and government.

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