Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Warm Up: What (5) questions would you like to ask God?:

  1. Will I get in to a wounderful college?
  2. Will I see you in heaven?
  3. Will I get a good job?
  4. Will I be a great person?
  5. Will I make the world a better place?
Ts Ophelia Cause Floding on Dominica
What : There is new tropcil storm named Ophelia
Where:The storn is in Atlantic Ocean by the island of Dominica
Who:1600 people were flooded.
When:The storm came Wednesday night.
Why: This is hurrican season.
How:The winds were moving over 60 mph and it is moving north. 

Fox News: Space Radiation Expected to Rise for Airline Passengersand Astronauts

Espn News:
Who:Red Sox, Rays drama to the very end
red sox and the rays had end of season games to try get a playoff spot
 What: Both teams are trying to earn a wild card spot for the america league they both under dogs
When: Both of the teams played on tuesday night.  The mejor league baseball playoff are later these year.
Where:The games where played in Baltimore and Tampa Bay.
Why:The games were exciting because of the great plays by players that were not expected to make big plays.
How:The Baltimore Rays had a triple play.  The web site says the triple play will be one of the most famous in baseball history.  The Red Sox had a three run homer.

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